Project Overview

Created Sep 2019 - Dec 2019
Tale of Scales aims to promote reptile and amphibian awareness.
By using playing cards, basic information such as their name, scientific name, and general appearance are easily exposed to a large audience.
Portions of the profits were donated to reptile and amphibian conservation groups such as the Advocates for Snake Preservation and AXOLOTITLAN.
Packaging Design and Mockups

Individual Card Designs
Suit of Hearts

Ace of hearts

Two of hearts

Three of hearts

Four of hearts

Five of hearts

Six of hearts

Seven of hearts

Eight of hearts

Nine of hearts

Ten of hearts

Jack of hearts

Queen of hearts

King of hearts

Suit of Diamonds

Ace of diamonds

2 of diamonds

3 of diamonds

4 of diamonds

5 of diamonds

6 of diamonds

7 of diamonds

8 of diamonds

9 of diamonds

10 of diamonds

Jack of Diamonds

Queen of Diamonds

king of diamonds

Suit of Clubs

Ace of clubs

2 of clubs

3 of clubs

4 of clubs

5 of clubs

6 of clubs

7 of clubs

8 of clubs

9 of clubs

10 of clubs

Jack of clubs

Queen of clubs

King of clubs

Suit of Spades

Ace of spades

2 of spades

3 of spades

4 of spades

5 of spades

6 of spades

7 of spades

8 of spades

9 of spades

10 of spades

Jack of spades

Queen of spades

King of spades

Promotional Kickstarter Artwork

Campaign Stretch Goal Artwork

Sample Art Book Pages

Additional "Sketch" Graphics for Page Flourish