POWER Cycle Writing UI/UX

Created with Meghan Balbale Summer 2023. POWER Cycle Writing is a writing instruction app geared towards students K-6

Design an app interface to deliver evidence-based writing instruction to K-6 students.  
Encourage self-regulation skills in students.
Create a flexible system that can be used with or without an instructor (to accommodate for home-schooled students).
Flowchart of POWER Cycle Writing, made in Figma.
Aimed to create a system that guides young students through a self-regulated writing program while also providing structure through both teacher input and the program itself.
Page Layouts
Layout was inspired by a workbook with large, colorful buttons and fun illustrations.
Below are some concepts for the POWER Cycle itself—an acronym that stands for the steps needed to prepare and complete a writing assignment.  We tried to turn the cycle into a racetrack so that kids would have a better time interacting with it.
Each stage of the cycle is represented by a color-coded flag, so that students are able to clearly tell what stage of the assignment they're on.
Another aspect that made POWER Cycles unique was the self regulation.  We designed the app to adjust its instruction based on how frustrated the student is feeling, which they would self report.  This is also where teacher instruction and support would come in.
"My Mood" is the central hub for self-reporting.  Clicking the happy or sad faces would open dialog windows to offer guidance on navigating frustration or confusion.
The happy face opens a Congratulations Screen to celebrate and motivate students.
The sad face opens a detailed self-reporting form, which would be shared with a teacher or instructor to guide their feedback. 
Concept sheets
We designed 3 cartoon characters to guide students through the writing program: Quilliam (the owl), Inky (the squid), and Fable (the dragon)
Logo Exploration
This was done towards the end of the summer, so there wasn't as much time to explore the logo.  We tried to aim for a hand-written, fun classroom feeling. 
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